Assistant Artistic Director
Nolan Oltjenbruns
“My musical training began quite early, with piano lessons from age 6, and organ lessons from age 13. This training prepared me for multiple years experience as a church organist. At the university level (University of Colorado- Boulder), my keyboard studies were with Everett Hilty, Don Vollstedt, and Keith Wallingford.
Although my major studies were in keyboard performance, I soon found myself drawn to other musical areas: choral singing and handbell ringing. These musical outlets have become my lifelong passion.
In handbells, I have rung with the University handbell ensembles (Student ensemble and Alumni ensemble). I am currently affiliated the Rocky Mountain Ringers (as a founding member since 1998). I am also beginning my fifth year as conductor of Carillons, the adult handbell ensemble at Bethany Lutheran Church.
As a choral singer, I have performed in past years with the University of Colorado Festival Chorus, the Denver Lutheran Chorale, and the Denver Gay Men's Chorus. My current affiliations are with the Metropolitan Festival Chorus (since 2017) and Sage Singers (since 2019).
As a chorus section leader for thirty-plus years, I have provided musical leadership in areas such as section rehearsals, auditions, ear-training and sight-singing skills for individual singers, and vocal coaching for soloists. I have worked with several fine local conductors such as Wesley Broderius, Jeffrey Harms, Barry Oliver, Benjamin Riggs, Sue Coffee, and James Knapp, in honing my own conducting skills.
My involvement in these groups has brought so much joy into my life. My newest role - Assistant Director for Sage Singers - allows me to build on the relationships I have already formed, and to share my knowledge and expertise with people I love so much, for the benefit of our community. I am forever grateful to Sage Singers for being part of my musical journey.”